we convert Word to PDF, we can easily manage the format of word
document text in different ways. But for many images contained word
files, we cannot control it very well since the size of the output PDF
file is always larger than it of the original word document, which,
sometimes, can bring inconvenience. Thus, in order to meet people's
need, I would like to share a simple method to set the image quality
when we convert word to PDF
Setting the image quality, to a large extent, is to manage the size of the images in output PDF document. New version Spire.Doc 4.2.8 helps me set the image quality when convert word to PDF in a quick way with C#, VB.NET.
How to set image quality in word to PDF conversion with C#,VB.NET
I am not sure whether other .net word component can realize this function, so please install Spire.Doc first in your system.
Setting the image quality, to a large extent, is to manage the size of the images in output PDF document. New version Spire.Doc 4.2.8 helps me set the image quality when convert word to PDF in a quick way with C#, VB.NET.
How to set image quality in word to PDF conversion with C#,VB.NET
I am not sure whether other .net word component can realize this function, so please install Spire.Doc first in your system.
Step1. Create a project
1. Create a new project in Visual Studio.
2. Add Spire.Doc Dll as reference. and then, add using at the top of the method. Please see below:
1. Create a new project in Visual Studio.
2. Add Spire.Doc Dll as reference. and then, add using at the top of the method. Please see below:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Spire.Doc; namespace image_quality { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { . } } }VB.NET
Imports Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Text Imports Spire.Doc Namespace image_quality Class Program Private Shared Sub Main(args As String()) . End Sub End Class End Namespace
Step2. Load a Word file from system
C# Code:
VB.NET Code:
C# Code:
Document doc = new Document(); doc.LoadFromFile(@"C:\Program Files\Spire.Doc\image quality.doc", FileFormat.Doc);
VB.NET Code:
Dim doc As New Document() doc.LoadFromFile(@"C:\Program Files\Spire.Doc\image quality.doc", FileFormat.Doc);
Step3. Set image quality.There
are six images in the first page of my doc document, I set the size of
images all to be "20". If I have only one image, the size of the image
is also"20", so you can set it as your own need.
C# Code:
VB.NET Code:
C# Code:
doc.JPEGQuality = 20;
VB.NET Code:
doc.JPEGQuality = 20;
Step4. Save and launch the fileC# Code:
VB.NET Code:
doc.SaveToFile("Image.pdf", FileFormat.PDF); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Image.pdf");
VB.NET Code:
doc.SaveToFile("Image.pdf", FileFormat.PDF); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Image.pdf");
Word Images
PDF Images
original word document size is 63KB. If I convert the word file
directly to PDF, it is 80.5 KB. After I set the image quality, it
changes to 58 KB. That is the clear difference.
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